SM Post Connector

A plugin to connect WordPress with the Social Marketing tool.

View the Project on GitHub vplugins/sm-post-connector

FAQ - SM Post Connector Plugin

General Questions

What is the SM Post Connector Plugin?

The SM Post Connector Plugin is a WordPress plugin that provides REST API endpoints for managing posts, authors, categories, and more. It allows you to interact with WordPress data programmatically, enabling CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations via HTTP requests.

How do I authenticate requests?

Requests to the SM Post Connector API endpoints require authentication via a Bearer token. Ensure you include the Authorization header with a valid token in your requests.

Endpoints FAQ


Q: What does the /status endpoint do?

A: The /status endpoint provides information about the current version of the plugin.

Q: What is the required HTTP method for this endpoint?

A: The /status endpoint uses the GET method.